What is Homeowners’ Exemption (HOX)
Did You Know that the Homeowner’s Exemption could save you money on Property taxes every year?
If you own a home and occupy it as your residence on the tax lien date of January 1, you may apply for a Homeowners’ Exemption. The exemption will reduce your assessed value by $7,000. On an average, you will save between $70.00 and $80.00 on your taxes.
If you are a new owner, you will automatically receive an exemption claim form in the mail. There is no cost to file. To receive 100 percent of the exemption ($7,000), you must file by February 15. If you file after February 15 but before December 10, you will receive 80 percent of the exemption ($5,600).
The exemption can be applied to your change of ownership supplemental if the prior owner of the property (seller) was not receiving the exemption.
Click here to view the Homeowners Exemption Application. To ensure that this is the most up to date form, you may want to contact the LA County Assessor’s office. Click here to view other county assessor’s offices.
For more information or to request a claim form, call the Assessor’s Office at (213) 974-3211 or toll free at (888) 807-2111. You may also email the Assessor at assessor@co.la.ca.us
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