We hope that our North Redondo Beach real estate statistics can help you get a better understanding of the 90278 real estate market. Below is a series of charts showing trends over the past 14 months showing important stats including the current number of active, pending and closed sales compared with earlier months, average list prices compared with average sales prices, months of inventory and more. North Redondo Beach is the area of Redondo that is basically north of 190th. Unlike South Redondo there are no areas that meet the beach and the bulk of the neighborhoods are just east of Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach. Some of the areas include the Golden Hills, The TRW Tract, Golden Triangle. In general home prices are lower in North Redondo Beach compared with South Redondo Beach.
- View the homes currently for sale in North Redondo Beach
- View the real estate stats for South Redondo Beach 90277
Real Estate Trends and Statistics for North Redondo Beach
View the homes currently for sale in North Redondo Beach
Active, Pending and Sold Homes in North Redondo for Past 15 Months.
Average Days on Market and Selling Price % of List Price (higher the number the closer to full price it sold at)
Average Price For Sale and Sold and Median Home Prices
Months of Inventory